Ankle pain is a common problem that affects millions of people every year, and it can be caused by an acute injury such as a fracture or by a longer-term issue like wear and tear or tendonitis. If you play sports, are overweight, or are over the age of 65, it’s likely that you will suffer from this pain at some point. While most people can use home remedies to cure their symptoms, it is a good idea to see a foot specialist in White Rock, BC if the pain persists.

Your doctor can then examine your ankles to see the cause of your discomfort and determine the best solution. In addition to administering medication and recommending better footwear and remedial exercises, your specialist might ask you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Today, we’ll have a closer look at what issues can cause pain in the ankles and what you can do to get rid of it.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Ankle Pain?

The ankles are a complex structure and one of the crucial joints in the human body. Because so much weight is placed on them regularly, they are prone to injury. People who are very active, those who carry around excess weight, and those who are older than 65 might experience acute injuries, tendonitis, bursitis, or wear and tear.

Acute Injury: Fractures and Sprains

Everyone can have an ankle injury, but the people most susceptible to it are those who play high-impact sports. If your favourite activity includes jumping, changing direction very quickly, or twisting, you’re more likely to suffer from problems with your ankles. A sprain is when your ligaments get stretched too far or tear apart due to a wrong movement. It causes acute pain and swelling, and it may take you two to three months to recover.

A fracture is a more serious injury, and it occurs when you break a bone in your ankle. Most bones grow back together within 4-8 weeks, but you’ll have to return to exercise very slowly after that. In some cases, the bones shift due to a fracture, and the patient requires surgical repair.

Wear and Tear

There are various diseases that can cause pain in your ankles. One of the most common issues is arthritis, which is a breakdown of the cartilage in your joint. Because your bones no longer have the cushioning they need, they rub up against each other and cause stiffness and pain. People who overuse their joints are more prone to arthritis, but it is a common problem for patients over the age of 65.

If you experience long-lasting pain in your ankles that isn’t caused by an injury, you should see your specialist to find out whether you have arthritis. Most patients can live with the condition and make small adjustments, but in some cases, an operation is necessary. Your foot doctor can let you know what your options are.


Joints contain small fluid-filled sacs called bursae, which help to reduce the friction between the bones and tendons. Sometimes, these structures become inflamed due to overuse, an acute injury, arthritis, or an infection. People who have bursitis feel pain along the back or outside of the ankle.

In most cases, the condition can be cured with rest, icing, and anti-inflammatory drugs or injections at your local clinic in White Rock, BC. In very severe cases, the foot specialist may decide that an operation is appropriate.


The tendons in your ankles can hurt because of an injury that has stretched them, but they can also become inflamed if they are overused or if the patient has a medical condition. Tendonitis is a complex condition that can take on many forms. In some patients, it is temporary, but others experience this issue for many months or years and suffer from severe ankle pain.

Tendonitis patients generally experience pain and swelling, and their symptoms worsen when they move or stretch their ankle. For this reason, rest is advisable while the condition is acute. Sometimes, orthotics, a walking boot, or physiotherapy can be helpful.

What Can I Do to Get Better?

If you are suffering from pain in your ankles, you should monitor your condition closely. Often, the best thing to do is rest your leg for a few days and apply ice or heat several times a day. Pain that doesn’t begin to diminish after a week or two could be an indication of a serious issue, so you should see a specialist, who can diagnose your condition.

The doctor might advise you to keep resting, take some medication, or wear different shoes. They will also speak to you about your regular activities and lifestyle to figure out whether you could make some changes and thereby take pressure off your ankles. If your injury is severe, your doctor might recommend surgery to preserve your mobility.

Visit Your Local Specialist in White Rock, BC

Don’t delay booking an appointment with a specialist if your pain doesn’t improve on its own. Since the ankle joint is so important for your mobility, you don’t want to risk ignoring a condition that could worsen over time. Your local foot doctor can examine your injury or condition and diagnose the problem. Then, they can come up with the most effective solutions to help you get better as quickly as possible.

Wear Supportive Shoes and Perform Stretches Regularly

One of the main reasons why people get injured is their choice of footwear. Patients who perform high-impact sports or walk on uneven terrain in unsupportive shoes are at greater risk of an ankle injury. At the clinic, your doctor can examine your feet and recommend the best type of shoes. If necessary, they will also prescribe orthotics to keep your posture balanced.

After an injury, you’ll most likely need to rest your foot for several days or weeks. But after that time, your doctor might ask you to do physio exercises and stretches. You should perform these regularly to make sure you regain mobility and strength in your ankle.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Sometimes, patients experience ankle problems because of their lifestyle. For instance, those who suffer from obesity are much more likely to suffer from overuse problems or an injury. Similarly, people who don’t give their body enough rest or those who don’t strengthen their ankles with regular exercise are at risk.

Your specialist will speak to you about your habits and help you figure out ways to improve them. For instance, they might recommend working with weight loss professionals or taking up regular exercise. That way, you can reduce your chance of further issues.

Pain in the ankles is very common, and it can be caused by a variety of issues. Sometimes, patients come to the clinic because they had an injury while playing sports or performing their regular activities. As a result, they might have fractured a bone in their ankles or damaged a ligament. However, we also see plenty of patients who have tendonitis due to overuse or chronic pain resulting from deterioration of the joint.

No matter what the cause of your pain is, you shouldn’t hesitate to speak to your local foot doctor if you don’t start to feel better within a few days. The specialist will help you figure out the cause of your pain, and they can suggest some solutions. In many cases, resting, changing your footwear, or improving your lifestyle habits can help you get rid of ankle pain. Call us now at Island Foot Clinics in White Rock, BC to book your initial consultation.