Seniors who neglect foot care may develop a wide range of issues such as fungal infections, calluses, and ulcers. Caring for aging feet is essential to prevent problems and manage conditions like foot arthritis. Seniors can maintain good health and hygiene by regularly visiting Island Foot Clinics and following their foot doctor’s guidelines.

Caring for Aging Feet: Tips for Seniors

Caring for aging feet directly impacts seniors’ overall well-being. Neglected feet can lead to painful conditions like bunions and infections. Furthermore, seniors may face mobility challenges due to discomfort, hindering their independence and quality of life.
Proper foot care helps you to maintain circulation, prevent falls, and reduce the risk of serious complications like diabetic foot ulcers. By prioritizing foot hygiene, wearing appropriate footwear, and seeking professional care, you can enjoy improved comfort, mobility, and an active lifestyle, enhancing your physical and emotional health.

Maintain Proper Foot Hygiene

Maintaining proper foot hygiene prevents a wide range of diseases and infections. To ensure optimal health, inspect your feet daily, examining them for any cuts, sores, or colour changes. Thoroughly cleanse them with mild soap and warm water, paying attention to the spaces between toes. Then, gently pat them dry. Regularly moisturize to prevent dryness, excluding the areas between toes to prevent moisture buildup.
Trim your toenails straight across, and avoid overly short cuts. If you’re no longer able to take care of your feet on your own due to other healthcare issues, visit a podiatrist at least once every four to six weeks, and ask your caregivers to pay special attention to your foot hygiene.

Choose Good Footwear

Selecting proper shoes is paramount for foot health, especially among seniors who might already have issues such as bunions and foot arthritis. Opt for shoes with good arch support, cushioning, and a wide toe box. Comfortable walking shoes or athletic shoes are ideal for everyday wear, offering stability and shock absorption. Avoid high heels, as they can cause imbalance and strain on the feet.
Steer clear of narrow shoes that can lead to discomfort, blisters, and bunions. When purchasing shoes, ensure a proper fit by measuring both feet, as sizes can change with age. Shop for shoes later in the day when your feet are slightly swollen. Test new shoes by walking around and checking for snugness around the heel and ample room in the toe area. It’s important to prioritize comfort and functionality to promote healthy feet.

Visit Your Foot Doctor Regularly

Regular visits to the foot doctor are crucial for seniors as they ensure ongoing foot health and catch potential issues early. The optimal frequency is once every six to twelve months. During the appointment, the doctor conducts a thorough examination, assessing skin condition, nail health, and overall foot structure. They check for any signs of infection, swelling, or abnormalities.
Seniors can discuss any discomfort or changes they’ve noticed, allowing the podiatrist to provide personalized recommendations. These visits are particularly essential for people with diabetes or circulatory problems, as they are at higher risk for foot complications. The foot doctor may also provide guidance on proper footwear and foot care routines tailored to individual needs.

Do Foot Exercises

Engaging in foot exercises helps you to maintain flexibility, strength, and overall foot health. Toe curls, where you grip a towel with your toes, enhance toe dexterity and can alleviate discomfort from conditions like plantar fasciitis. Ankle circles promote joint mobility and can prevent stiffness. Stretching the Achilles tendon by leaning against a wall with one leg extended back enhances calf flexibility, reducing the risk of Achilles tendonitis.
Neglecting foot exercises can lead to stiffened joints, weakened muscles, and reduced circulation. This, in turn, can increase susceptibility to conditions like bunions, hammertoes, and even balance issues. By incorporating simple foot exercises into your routine, you ensure the longevity of your mobility and comfort.

Address Foot Arthritis Early

Around one in six people develop arthritic feet after age 50. Early diagnosis and prevention are key to managing this condition effectively. If you experience persistent joint pain, stiffness, or swelling, consult a doctor promptly. Early signs of arthritis can be subtle, so seeking medical attention when symptoms arise is crucial. The foot doctor will likely examine your feet, review your medical history, and recommend imaging tests like X-rays or MRI scans.


Once your diagnosis has been confirmed, you can take preventative measures such as maintaining a healthy weight, which reduces stress on joints. Your doctor might recommend that you stay active with low-impact exercises like swimming and walking to improve joint flexibility and strength and choose high-quality footwear with cushioning and support. You might also need anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, or custom orthotics.

Stay Active

Regular physical activity enhances circulation, promotes joint flexibility, and strengthens muscles crucial for proper foot function. Engaging in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, and gentle stretching can improve overall foot health and reduce the risk of common issues like plantar fasciitis and arthritis. These activities also help maintain a healthy weight, easing the burden on your feet and joints.
For seniors, it’s important to choose activities that align with their fitness levels and any existing health conditions. Avoid high-impact activities that might strain your joints. Gradually increase activity intensity to prevent overexertion. Incorporating balance exercises can also enhance stability and reduce the risk of falls. In Kelowna, BC, and Victoria, BC, various clubs offer safe and effective group exercise classes for people over 50.

Pay Special Attention to Your Feet if You Develop Diabetes

For individuals with diabetes, proper foot care is even more important due to the risk of nerve damage and reduced blood circulation. Diabetic neuropathy can lead to decreased sensation, making it essential to inspect the feet daily for any cuts, sores, or changes. Wash your feet once or twice a day, moisturize them, and choose well-fitting shoes to prevent pressure points.
Regularly check for blisters, calluses, or other abnormalities, and seek immediate medical attention for any signs of infection. Speak to your doctor about what kinds of exercises and activities are appropriate for your situation. Additionally, visit a foot doctor for regular foot exams. That way, you can catch issues early and reduce the risk of complications.


What to Avoid

As you become older, your needs change. Aging skin is more sensitive, so it’s best to avoid using hot water for foot soaks and heating pads to prevent burns and damage to the skin. Additionally, steer clear of using sharp objects for trimming nails, as this can lead to injuries or infections. It’s also important to refrain from using over-the-counter foot treatments without consulting a doctor, as they might contain problematic ingredients.


Seniors should be cautious about wearing shoes that are too tight or have pointed toes, which can increase the risk of discomfort and deformities. Lastly, avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing without breaks, as this can lead to swelling and reduced circulation. If you have to sit or stand for several hours, try to take short breaks during which you walk around or do foot exercises.
Accessing personalized guidance through healthcare professionals or podiatrists is vital for seniors, as it ensures tailored advice and early detection of issues such as foot arthritis. Foot doctors can suggest specialized strategies that address their patients’ unique foot care needs, promoting optimal comfort, mobility, and long-term well-being. Call us at Island Foot Clinics in Kelowna, BC, or Victoria, BC to schedule your initial appointment.